- 1930
- 1937
- The first trading company “Mikasa Trade Shokai” is founded by Hiromichi Kyoya (The first generation of Mikasa) to import machine tools.
- 1940
- 1944
- The first factory is founded in Tatebayashi city.
- 1950
- 1950
- The company name is altered to "Mikasa Sangyo Co., Ltd."
- 1960
- 1961
- Tamping Rammer model MTR-60 is manufactured for the first time in Japan.
- 1962
- A second factory is founded in Kasukabe city.
- 1968
- Export to Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and North America is started.
- 1980
- 1986
- The first entry to BAUMA(http://www.bauma.de) exhibition.
- 1987
- Parts and service center is established.
- 1990
- 1992
- Distribution center is established.
- 2000
- 2000
- ISO 9001 certification is acquired(Tatebayashi and Kasukabe).
- 2002
- Shanghai Mikasa is founded in China.
- 2007
- ISO 14001 certification is acquired(Tatebayashi and Kasukabe).
- 2008
- Mikasa New logo color.
- 2010
- 2012
- Mikasa Vietnam Co.,Ltd. was established as local corporation (Manufacturing Base) in Vietnam.
- 2014
- Mikasa new world head quarter.
- 2018
- Mikasa new parts and service center.
- 2020
- 2020
- Mikasa new R&D center.
- 2021
- ISO 9001 certification is acquired(Mikasa Vietnam).
- 2022
- Grand Prix at the Good Company Awards in Japan.
1950’ Honjo(Tokyo) Factory
Original MTR-60
MIKASA Stand at Bauma2022
Multiquip Stand at WoC 2024
Good Company Awards in Japan, 2022